Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Shalom: A Tribute to the Half-Blood Prince

The conception of this little accolade in a parchment has been inspired by one of the book’s most hidden gems. With his famous words, “I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach," he became immortal without using any Horcruxes nor the Deathly Hallows.

Professor Severus Prince Snape, I have always thought of you as cold, snob, sarcastic, unfriendly, bitter, stern (as what your name suggests), unapproachable -- basically every little thing that is not required of a teacher or a nice gentleman that is. You have never even attempted to be discreet on showing your favoritism towards the members of your own House, Slytherin. Not to mention, you have never failed to show your contempt towards our beloved hero, Harry Potter and his friends, especially poor Neville Longbottom. You had never shown considerations, Sir. Never. I might as well say you were unfair altogether. However, I cannot deny that you are indeed one of the most talented wizards I have the luck to meet. Your natural flair in Potions earned you the title Potions Master. You are a gifted potioneer, Professor. Perhaps you can even brew potions while you are sleeping. I could not emphasize that well enough.

Among everyone in the wizarding world, you perhaps had the toughest job in town – working for Dumbledore; plotting against your old master, Voldemort, without any of his suspicion (Thank Merlin for Occlumency!); protecting the fruit (Harry) of your hate (James) and love (Lily), and countless equally life-sacrificing acts in between. Now, we know very well that you were never a coward. If your courage is commendable, then your love is even more admirable. Despite the harsh reality you had faced as a result of unrequited love, you still hung on until the very end. For Lily, Harry’s mother, James’s wife, and your first and only love. I guess this is the sweetest thing one could do for someone you truly love. And, we never thought this is possible for you, Professor!

It is good to know that there might be real people out there who may be just like you, Sir. People who have made mistakes at one point in their lives but decided to go back to the light at the end of the day. You showed us that regretting isn’t such a bad thing. You made regretting a whole new act of bravery, for it is hard to admit that you have lived a lamented life; but you have done it Professor, you have done it so well. You had raised your hands up and called it a day as a Death Eater and embraced the bright side. You showed us all hope, hope for redemption.

Professor Severus Prince Snape, you may have reached the end of your 38-year life but your memories will continue spinning in the web of magic every kid will get to experience as they open the treasure the Harry Potter series bestow. Shalom, Professor.

(NOTE: I wrote this tribute more than five years ago for a Harry Potter class in DLSU-Manila.)

Sunday, July 13, 2014


He used to send me messages telling me to go look outside my window every single time the moon shines beautifully. And I, a lover of anything outer space and a fool, would happily oblige. I would stare at the moon for a while, mesmerized by its light and comforted by the fact that we were both looking at the night sky.

Now, the messages are gone but the moon still shines as beautifully as ever. And I am still a lover of the night skies but definitely no longer a fool.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Eye Opener: On Keeping Your Mouth Shut

Earlier today, a friend told me that I'm too talkative. I was taken aback. I felt a pang in my heart, and I stopped talking 100 words per second.

Here's the thing, I am talkative especially when I feel too happy or giddy or when I'm comfortable with the people I'm with; OR when I am really, really, really nervous. So, when he said that, I have to stop my mouth from trying its best to catch up with my running thoughts and ask myself these questions:

1) Do other people think the same thing?
2) Are they also annoyed with my excessive talking?
3) Am I really that talkative that it's irritating?
4) What should I do now?
5) Should I turn into a plant now?

I was anxious. Very anxious. But I kept my cool and jokingly said that I accept his challenge. I stopped talking until we bid goodbye.

You see, talking is very important to me. Growing up, I was a very quiet cute little kid. I never talked that much. I wasn't hyper or noisy. I was too quiet that perhaps at one point my family thought I was deaf-mute. Maybe. I don't know when it happened but I suddenly turned into a cheerful, talkative girl. Maybe my young self realized the importance of talking and the next thing she knows she's an/a extemporaneous speaker/debater/Hermione Granger/most talkative person in the room who annoyed a bunch of her classmates and friends.

So, when a friend told me to shut up earlier, I guess I was reminded of that distant past where people liked me less simply because I talk too much. More importantly, it was an eye opener. His words made me realize that maybe it's time to go back to that very old version of me, that little girl who never uttered a word. Well, she's still around actually when I'm at home or in a crowd or with people I just met. I can be very, very, very quiet that you won't even feel my existence.

Lately, I've been thinking of isolating myself from the world. Maybe, my friend is right about me talking less. Maybe, it's about time to shut my mouth and let my writing do the talking. I don't know. Well, it can't be that bad. After all, "less words, less mistakes," they say. ;)

I also want to call myself, "Queen of Isolation." Who knows? Living a contemplative life may help me realize my full potential. :D

Let It Go by Idina Menzel from Disney's Frozen

AND to close this post, let me share with you a few words from Anna Peters:

Word Vomit: Catching Up

Six months and a million internal debates after, I finally found the time, courage, and will to update this blog. Although, I don't think it matters that much since nobody seems to be following this anyway. (LOL!) And it's totally fine! I'm already content having an online journal that I can peruse whenever the struggling writer in me says so.

I really want to say A LOT OF THINGS. But I don't know where to start. I don't even know what is worth sharing anymore. For the past months I've been on hiatus, I went through a great deal of challenges. There were days when all I wanted to do is give up. Give up on my dreams. Give up on people. Give up on myself. For the past six months, I think I cried more than I should have allowed myself to. It's tiring and annoying.

BUT I always try to rise, to keep going; for I know there will be better days. NO, I can always CHOOSE to make each of my days the best, as if it's my last. :)

To give you an idea of what I'm really trying to say, listen to these songs (Haha!):

Arms by Christina Perri

Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus

Say Something by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera

That is because I sing my feelings better than actually talking about them. ;)

Here's to hoping I'll be able to write more and more this year!